bisconf | bischeck – dynamic and adaptive monitoring
Warning: Use of undefined constant devfmtcss - assumed 'devfmtcss' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/vhost/wwwbischecksec/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/devformatter/devinterface.php on line 561


Bisconf – Bischeck configuration WebUI


Release 0.3.1

This release is compatible with Bischeck 0.4.3.


The Bisconf WebUI is a configuration web interface to the configuration of the Bischeck configuration files.


  • Web configuration of all bischeck xml based configuration files.
  • Manage versions of the configuration files
  • Support deployment of new configuration version directly from the Web UI. This will restart the Bischeck server with new configuration files.
  • Display the status of the Bischeck process. All operations with the Bischeck server is done over JMX, from version Bischeck 0.4.0.
  • Support authentication to access the system. The admin role has permission to add additional users.

System requirements

– Java Play! framework version 1.2.4 (not 2.0)

– Support for Bischeck from version 0.4.2.


Install from source

Download Bisconf from or check out the bisconf trunk or tag (0.3.0) if you want to hack it.

Make sure you copy the bischeck-0.4.3.jar and the quartz-2.1.5.jar from the Bischeck lib to the the checked out bisconf lib directory.

If code is checkout by svn you can build a distribution by:

$ export PLAY_PATH=

$ $PLAY_PATH/play dependencies

$ ant dist 

If you check out the code and like to use eclipse you can run bisconf directly from the eclipse. Check out the home page of play! for more info,

Install binary distribution

To install the distribution extract the tar file downloaded or built by ant (located in the target directory). From the distribution directory run:

$ chmod 755 install

$ sudo ./install -u

This will present the installation options. Sudo is required since init scripts are installed in /etc/init.d.

Bischeck JMX integration

Bisconf communicate with the Bischeck daemon over JMX using the RMI protocol. This means that Bischeck must have been installed with the option that define hostname or IP and a RMI port. If the installation was done without these options it can simply be altered by editing the bischeck script in the Bischeck installation bin directory. For more information please read the Bischeck documentation.

To configure the Bischeck JMX service for Bisconf please edit the file jmx.xml located in the etc directory of the Bisconf installation. Default hostname is localhost and port is 3333.

Currently Bisconf and Bischeck must run on the same server.

Running bisconf from eclipse

The following steps must be done to run Bisconf from eclipse.

1 – Check out the source as described above.

2 – Add the bischeck classes or the bischeck-0.4.3.jar and quartz-2.1.5.jar to the eclipse build path.

3 – Run from the command line

$ play dependencies

$ play eclipsify

4 – Add system properties in the eclipse “Run configurations”->”Arguments” in the field “VM arguments” and set them according to your environment:



Start bisconf

Simply start Bisconf by

$ sudo /etc/init.d/bisconfd start


$ /bin/bisconf

Point your webbrowser to http://:9000. Initial login is admin/admin.

Running bisconf with apache

If you like to run Bisconf behind apache please follow the instructions:

1 – Uncomment the below line in the play! application.conf file


2 – Setup a apache config file with at lest the following lines. This can be in virtual host config file or not. 

## Add the following to your apache conf file or creating a separate bisconf.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d. 

ProxyPreserveHost On

ProxyRequests  On

ProxyPass /bisconf http://localhost:9000/bisconf

ProxyPassReverse /bisconf http://localhost:9000/bisconf 

3 – Restart apache and Bisconf 

If you running SElinux you do need to run:

# /usr/sbin/setsebool httpd_can_network_connect 1


# /usr/sbin/setsebool httpd_can_network_connect true


Change you selinux rules

Allow bisconf user to start, stop or reload bischeckd

To enable the user id executing Bisconf, default is nagios, to manage Bischeck through the web ui /etc/sudoers needs to be configured in the following way:

Defaults:username !requiretty

nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd restart

nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd start

nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd stop

nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd pidstatus

User management

When Bisconf is installed a administration user is automatically created. The username is admin with a default password of admin. The admin user can create additional users through the web interface. A user can be assigned  3 types of roles. The default role that every user has is the permission to add, update, delete and save configuration. The second role isDeploy that enable a user to deploy a configuration version to Bischeck. The third role isAdmin that grant the user the right configure Bischeck properties and server integration  to manage users and to start, stop and restart the Bischeck process.   


Release 0.3.1 – 2012-04-11

Release 0.3.1 support upgrade from 0.3.0. 

Bug fixes

[TR-241] – Typo in install script

[TR-242] –  The path to the bischeck installation directory is hard coded in the bisconf script

[TR-244] – Add period in threshold do not work

Release 0.3.0 – 2012-03-27

Release 0.3.0 support upgrade from 0.2.0. 

New features

 [FR-236] (Bischeck) – “Extended configuration of threshold for threshold class Twenty4HourThreshold”. The new hours format is supported by Bisconf.

[FR-240] – “Notification when some other user has saved a new configuration version”

Bug fixes

[TR-239] – “Bisconf do not allow hostname with underscore” – Bisconf will now use the same regular expression that Bischeck use for valid names for host, service and serviceitem.


Please send any feedback to or register on to submit bug and/or feature request.

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