A minor release of Bisconf fixing 3 bugs. Please upgrade your 0.3.0 with this release. Please see the Bisconf documentation about the bug fix and download it from this link.
Tag Archives: bisconf
Bischeck distributed with OP5 Monitor 6.1
OP5 will include Bischeck in the new upcoming release of Monitor 6.1. Thanks to all at OP5 that worked with the release.
bischeck 0.4.3 and bisconf 0.3.0 released
We are pleased to release bischeck 0.4.3 and bisconf 0.3.0. To get all the details about about new features and bug fixes please see the documentation for Bischeck and Bisconf.
As usual any feedback is appreciated.
bisconf 0.2.0 released
Manage bischeck from bisconf web
To manage the bischeck daemon from the bisconf web ui the following configuration needs to be added to the /etc/sudoers file:
Defaults:username !requiretty
nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd restart
nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd start
nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd stop
nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bischeckd pidstatus
Bisconf 0.1.0 must run on the same server as bischeck. Hopefully this may change in the future.